a variety of experimental tools. actin masses that were located in the peri-nuclear region after 24 h of incubation. Stabilization of Actin by Jasplakinolide Enhanced Late EPC Apoptosis Induced by VEGF Deprivation Previous reports have suggested that the alteration of the cytoskeletal actin network is a morphological effecter in apoptosis. To determine whether the stabilization of actin might induce the apoptosis, late EPCs were incubated with jasplakinolide or DMSO in regular EGM-2 for 1 h. The cells were then washed to remove the jasplakinolide or DMSO, and they were once more cultured in regular EGM-2. The cells were harvested after 12 h and the apoptotic cells were quantified by FACS after Annexin V and PI staining. As shown in Fig. 3A, B jasplakinolide and DMSO treatments resulted in similar percentages of apoptotic late EPCs. However, the percentages of apoptotic late EPCs after VEGF deprivation were increased after the addition of jasplakinolide at a concentration of 100 nmol/l. We then explored the underlying mechanism behind the jasplakinolide-augmented apoptosis. The members of the caspase protease family, especially caspase-3, play a key role in the initiation of cellular events during the early apoptotic process, and get Piclidenoson caspase-3 has also been considered as a good marker to indicate apoptosis. Late EPCs cells were incubated either with jasplakinolide or DMSO in the absence or presence of VEGF for 6 h. Caspase-3-like activity was assayed. Jasplakinolide or DMSO-treatment did not activate caspase-3 in late EPCs cultured with VEGF. However caspase-3-like activity was present in both jasplakinolide and DMSO-treated EPCs after 6 h of VEGF deprivation. Futhermore, in the jasplakinolide-treated cells, a higher caspase-3-like activity was observed than those in DMSOtreated cells. Results Characterization of Bone Marrow-derived Late EPCs The bone marrow-derived MNCs that initially seeded were round. After 7 days, the colonies appeared with the round cells in the centers and the typical spindle cells at the peripheries. Late EPCs appeared after 34 weeks and showed characteristic homogeneity and cobblestone-like morphology similar to mature endothelial cells. The cells were identified as double-positive for Dil-acLDL uptake and lectin binding affinity. FACS analysis revealed these cells did not express CD45 but the majority of the cells expressed endothelial-specific markers, such as vWF, VEGFR-2, VEcadherin and PECAM-1. Moreover, late EPCs successfully formed tubuli like structure on Matrigel. Stabilization of Actin by Jasplakinolide Led to the Inhibition of Late EPC Proliferation Late EPCs were incubated in the presence or absence of VEGF with jasplakinolide or with DMSO for 1 h. The cells were then washed to remove the jasplakinolide or DMSO, after which they were cultured in EGM-2 with or without VEGF for further 12 or 24 h. Cell proliferation was assessed by CCK-8 assay. At 12 h, the proliferation activity of late EPCs incubated with jasplakinolide was observed to be similar to that in DMSO-treated cells in the presence of VEGF, but a statistical difference was observed after withdrawal from VEGF. At 24 h, jasplakinolide inhibited late EPC proliferation in the presence of VEGF, and VEGF deprivation exacerbated the impaired late EPC proliferation due to jasplakinolide. Indeed, the EdU incorporation assay confirmed that the stabilization of actin by jasplakinolide inhibited the proliferation of VEGF deprived EPCs. Concentration- and Ti

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