Us these approaches are certainly not but amenable for highthroughput experimentation and
Us these methods are not yet amenable for highthroughput experimentation and pre-clinical testing. However, technological progress within the coming years will hopefully lower these limitations and see the widespread use of high-throughput screening employing 3D culture systems that accurately recapitulate the tumor micro-environment.2.three.4.5.six.
CASE REPORT Major BD1 Accession cutaneous anaplastic large-cell lymphoma – Case reportLinfoma reduce eo prim io de grandes c ulas anapl icas – Relato de casoLuciana Silveira Rabello de Oliveira1 Maira Gomes MonteiroDOI: http:dx.doi.org10.1590abd1806-4841.Abstract: Primary cutaneous anaplastic large-cell lymphoma is a part of the spectrum of CD30 lymphoproliferative cutaneous processes, characterized by single or multifocal nodules that ulcerate, are autoregressive and recurrent. Extracutaneous dissemination may well occur, specially to regional lymph nodes. Histology shows a diffuse, non-epidermotropic infiltrate , anaplastic massive lymphoid cells of immunohistochemistry CD30, CD4, EMA-, ALK-, CD15- and TIA1-. Prognosis is good and will not depend on lymphatic invasion. Radiotherapy, removal of your lesion andor low-dose methotrexate will be the remedies of decision. The present study reports the case of a 57-year-old-woman presenting Primary cutaneous anaplastic large-cell lymphoma with multifocal lesions. The pacient evolved with pulmonary involvement 7 years later. She showed a good response towards the therapy with low-dose methotrexate prescribed weekly. Search phrases: Lymphoma, large-cell, anaplastic; Lymphoma, primary cutaneous anaplastic substantial cell; Lymphoma, T-cell; Lymphoma, T-cell, cutaneous Resumo: Linfoma reduce eo prim io de grandes c ulas T anapl icas faz parte do espectro de processos linfoproliferativos cut eos CD30 e caracteriza-se por n ulos icos ou multifocais, ulcerados, autorregressivos e recidivantes. Pode haver dissemina o extracut ea, principalmente para linfonodos regionais. O histol ico mostra Bak supplier infiltrado difuso, n -epidermotr ico, grandes c ulas linf des anapl icas de imunohistoqu ica CD30, CD4, EMA-, ALK-, CD15- e TIA1-. O progn tico bom e independe da invas ganglionar. Radioterapia, retirada da les eou metotrexato em baixas doses s os tratamentos de escolha. Este estudo relata o caso de uma mulher, 57 anos, com Linfoma reduce eo prim io de grandes c ulas T com les s multifocais e que, ap 7 anos, evoluiu com acometimento pulmonar. Apresentou boa resposta ao tratamento com metotrexato em baixas doses semanais. Palavras-chave: Linfoma anapl ico de c ulas grandes; Linfoma anapl ico reduce eo prim io de c ulas grandes; Linfoma cut eo de c ulas T; Linfoma de c ulas TINTRODUCTION The principal cutaneous anaplastic huge cell lymphoma (PCALCL) can be a non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) of cutaneous T-cell presentation, without systemic involvement in the time on the diagnosis and within the next six months. It has been well-established that PCALCL express the CD30 antigen in far more than 75 of their tumor cells.1 The incidence of PCALCL amongst other forms of peripheral T-cell NHL is 1.7 . It reaches an general peak in the sixth decade of life and an average of 50 of instances are diagnosed in individuals aged 61.Received on 25.02.2012. Authorized by the Advisory Board and accepted for publication on 12.11.2012. Operate performed at the University Hospital Alcides Carneiro – Federal University of Campina Grande (HUAC-UFCG) Campina Grande (PB), Brazil. Conflict of interest: None Financial funding: None1 two 3MD, Dermatologist Master’s degree in P.